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Henstridge Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > HENSTRIDGE PLAY AREA


Over recent months the Parish Council has been working with contractors to design a new modern play area with stylish contemporary equipment.  The proposed new play area is aimed at children of all ages and encompasses those with physical and mental disabilities and impairments. 

The current play equipment is becoming old and tired and is nearing its end of life. Ongoing and increasing maintenance costs are making the area financially unviable with some equipment already having been taken out of service.

The aim is for the new play area to be funded primarily through grant funding along with utilising s106 funds from SSDC.  Earmarked funds from the Parish Council are available should they be required.

So, what do you think? 

The Parish Council would welcome your comments on the proposal by Monday 11th January, so please take a look at the plans below and email the clerk, Emma Curtis, with any feedback on

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