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Henstridge Parish Council > Your Parish > Parish Plan

Parish Plan

The Parish Plan

How the Parish Plan was Developed

To develop this parish plan, the parish council appointed a small team to coordinate the process. This team reviewed a number of plans written by other parishes, sought advice on the process from SSDC, and planned consultation events with the public to better inform the process. There were 2 consultation events held in the village hall on 22ndMay 2014 and on 20th September 2014.

Picture of the Village Hall from the playing fields
Picture of the Village Hall from the playing fields

The first session attracted over 300 participants, and the second session about 90 participants. Details of the information gathered at these events are included in Appendix 1 at the end of this document. It is worth noting though that the age profile of the people attending the consultation events was significantly older than the age profile of the residents. Some efforts were taken to get the opinions of younger residents, including attending a family day in Woodhayes on August 15th 2014, approaching the brownies group, and engaging with parents at the school gate.

Following the open consultation, a draft plan was written during December -February, and then circulated for comment. (A copy was placed on the village website, on the parish council website, and several hard copies were made available in the pubs and the village shop.)
The consultation period ended in mid April 2015, and the final version of the plan was then completed.

View the Parish Plan here …

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