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Henstridge Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > Henstridge Skate Park, BMX Pump Track and MUGA now open

Henstridge Skate Park, BMX Pump Track and MUGA now open

The UK Government has announced that some outdoor sporting and recreation activity is able to be resumed. All outdoor sport and recreation must only be done alone, within a household group or with one other person from outside your household, and that includes skateboarding, cycling and activities on a multi use games area. With this in mind, Henstridge Parish Council has now reopened the Skate Park, BMX Pump Track and MUGA at the recreation ground. PLEASE NOTE, THE PLAY AREA AND GREEN GYM REMAIN CLOSED AT THIS TIME

It is important to stress that this remains an extremely difficult situation throughout the UK and we are acutely aware that many lives have been lost to the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of the virus will continue to be felt for a long time to come. We must ensure that the safety and wellbeing of everyone.

Henstridge Parish Council therefore ask that the following rules are obeyed while using the facilities in the recreation ground:

  • Only exercise on your own, with members of your household or with one other person from outside your household, whilst keeping two metres apart at all times
  • Keep at least 2 metres apart from other people at all times whilst exercising
  • Do NOT exercise if you have any Covid-19 flu like symptoms or if you have been in contact with anyone who has
  • Keep it mellow – Don’t try difficult or dangerous tricks. #SaveOurNHS
  • No congregating with other people in any circumstances
  • Clean your exercise equipment before & after exercise and try not to touch anything else
  • No physical contact – No hugs, high-fives, fist-bumps, etc
  • Do not share any mobile devices, equipment, food or drink with others
  • Wash your hands regularly using hand sanitiser (if soap and water is not available)
  • Only use the outdoor skatepark if you are actively skateboarding and leave immediately after finishing
  • There should be a maximum of 3 people at the skate park at one time. Any more than that and you will not be able to be properly socially distant. Come back another time.
  • If using the skate park, make sure only one person is completing a run at a time

Lead by example – We are in this together

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