One of many things that parishioners bring to our attention is Fly Tipping, this horrible practice
causes damage to the environment and puts people and animals at risk and leaves a blot on our
landscape. Since lockdown with more folk walking out into the countryside for exercise this has
been brought to our attention more and more.
There are two types of fly tipping one is the driver who has had lunch etc. and just throws out all the
debris from their vehicle onto the verge, what disgusting behaviour. Just recently our Village
Ranger collected five bin bags full of this type of rubbish in the four lay-bys on the A30 and
through Camp Road, this is a cost to the parish because of these selfish people.
The other sort are ‘criminals’ they dump their own trade waste or they purport to be waste removal
operatives but then dump the stuff instead of paying for its disposal as they legally should.
This second type of criminal only profit if we give them the waste and money.
So what can we do:
Avoid doing cheap deals with people who advertise on social media.
Always ask to see their waste carrier licence, never pay cash and always insist on a receipt.
Demand a copy of the waste transfer note to prove it was legally disposed of.
Keep a record of names phone numbers and vehicle registrations.
Remember if dumped waste is traced back to you you will be liable, so please do due diligence.
If you have items you wish to get rid of first think about using Freecycle Facebook or other
platforms to sell or give away the items. Or donate to Charities who are willing to collect.
Or contact who for a fee will collect.
You can always report any form of litter or rubbish to the Parish Clerk
Or report fly-tips to
We hope to resume our Litter Pick Saturday mornings very soon we will inform when we are
allowed to start.
Until then thank you to all those who pick up litter on their walks we know you are still doing the
village proud.
Carolyn Nichols
Chair Open Spaces Committee