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Henstridge Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > Memorial Trees

Memorial Trees

The Parish Council often have requests for trees and benches to
be placed in the Cemetery in memory of loved ones, as this is not
feasible any more because of lack of space we can now offer an
alternative. If you wish to have a memorial tree for a family
member past or recently departed, even if they are not interred
in the Parish, we are offering the opportunity of a tree planted
in the Recreation Ground in the new

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee Border

The old Leylandii hedge has been removed and planted in its
place will be a border of mixed deciduous and evergreen trees
underplanted with shrubs and bulbs.
From a planting plan a tree could be chosen with a memorial
plaque for the sum of £100 or any donation above that figure.
We will accept memorial plaques to be placed with trees until
such time as all available trees are taken. Donations will be
used specifically for the upkeep of the Queen’s Jubilee border.
We also have the opportunity for the placing of specimen trees
within the park to grow in time to replace the fine old trees that
every one so admires. Donations of £250 will secure one of these
trees with a memorial plaque.

Copies of the planting plan with all the commemorations
recorded will be kept in the Parish and Church files for the
reference of future generations.

In the first instance please contact the Clerk to register your

Emma Curtis
Telephone: 01963 250015 mobile: 07745 27028

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