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News from South Somerset District Council

News from South Somerset District Council: 
South Somerset District Council is continuing to ensure that our communities receive all the help they need during the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes offering extra support in areas where our residents need it most.  A big addition to this extra support is the brand new pop up SSDC Wellbeing Hub which has been set up to supply food parcels and other supplies to South Somerset residents in most urgent need. The Hub is already up and running and more than 30 deliveries have already been made to residents who are shielding or who fit the criteria where they are recognised as vulnerable.

How do I get a food parcel?  Residents who are shielding who have NOT received a food parcel from the Government and residents who are assessed as vulnerable can now call 0300 790 6275 to find out if they are eligible.

How much do they cost?  Shielded people (as identified by the NHS) will get their first food parcel free. Vulnerable people will pay a set fee depending on the size of parcel required.  £26 for a single person, £30 for couples and £52 for families of 4-5 people. This service is non-profit and delivery is free.

What is in the food parcel?  All goods are non-perishable and should give a broad choice of food needed to prepare balanced meals. The parcels also include toilet rolls, cleaning and hygiene products.

How long does it take to get a food parcel?  Most food parcels will be delivered the next day between 10am and 4pm.

If this self-isolating goes on for some time, what happens if I need a repeat order?  You can email or phone an order through to the team. Your details will have been saved making ordering and paying quicker.

How often can I order?  Box contents are built around a weeks’ worth of food, re-ordering shouldn’t be required under this time period.

Can I book a time slot?  No, deliveries will usually be next day and between 10am and 4pm.

What if I have not received a shielding letter?  Shielding letters come from the NHS. Your GP or hospital will have provided names of patients that they consider vulnerable & require shielding. If you have not received a letter and feel you should have one, then you should contact them.

 Age UK are providing support for vulnerable residents – shopping, picking up prescriptions, etc.   Call 01305 269444 or e-mail

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