Henstridge Parish Council is making plans to take part in the national festivities across the UK to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM The Queen this year.
The Parish Council is organising bunting to hung around public buildings, and residents will be encouraged to decorate their houses.
It is hoped local street parties will be held on Sunday 5 June, and a cricket match may be played at the Recreation Ground on Friday 3 June.
On Saturday 4 June we are planning activities for children and the WI will be holding a Tea Party in the Village Hall, accompanied by a film of Her Majesty’s Coronation.
The Family History Group are collecting Royal Memories from residents for a display., And many new trees are being planted around the village as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy across the Commonwealth.
Children at St Nicholas Primary School will also be taking part in celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.
If you are planning any activities or would like to know more about what others are doing in Henstridge, please contact elspeth.graham@henstridgeparishcouncil.org.uk
For more information about the Platinum Jubilee visit www.platinumjubilee.gov.uk
Happy New Year everyone!