Please be aware, there may be some disruption from Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February as Ash Walk will be closed. Temporary Closure of Ash Walk, High Street
TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the County Council of Somerset have made an Order PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along Ash Walk, High Street for a distance of approximately 486.00 metres.
This order will enable Somerset Highways to carry out prep and resurfacing works. The Order became effective on 26th March 2020 and will remain in force for eighteen months.
The works are now expected to commence on 15th February 2021 until 19th February 2021 between the hours of (07:30 – 17:30) for a total of 5 days.
For information about the works being carried out please contact Somerset Highways on 0300 123 2224
A map of the affected area can be found here: