2022 marks the year that Her Majesty the Queen becomes the first British Monarch to have served for 70 years, having acceded to the throne on 6 February 1952.
Many activities have been planned for the Platinum Jubilee Bank holiday weekend across the country as it is a very special occasion in all our lives. The Jubilee flag will be flying from our new flagpole at the War Memorial, and the village will be decked out in colourful bunting made by Sue Latimer and her volunteers. Thank you all!
These are some of the events open to everyone over the weekend and we will update this as more become available.
Thursday 2 June – Bank holiday in lieu of the usual end May holiday
The Trooping the Colour & Fly Past will take place in London and on TV.
Around 1,500 Beacons will be lit across the UK and Commonwealth at 9.15pm local time, including at Templecombe Sports Ground and at The Terraces in Sherborne.
Friday 3 June –
There will be Services of Thanksgiving in St Paul’s Cathedral, London, and in Sherborne Abbey.
Loose Ends will be holding their usual get together in the Village Hall from 10.30am, and will celebrate the planting of a Memorial Tree in the Recreation Ground. This is part of the Queen’s Green Canopy campaign – see queensgreencanopy.org
The Henstridge Cricket Club is organising a fun day for all to join in. Please contact Hugo Barton – lizandhugo@btinternet.com, James Tizzard – jgt@lva.co.uk or Steve Penny – pennysj58@gmail.com Spectators are encouraged to bring a picnic.
The day ends with a Jubilee Entertainment concert of music, words and dancing in the Village Hall from 6.30pm. Entry is by donation and there will be refreshments.
Saturday 4 June – a full day of activities
From 10.30am Anne Smales will be organising a special Dog Show on the top field of the Recreation Ground – we hope ALL the very many village dogs will be taking part in this fun event.
Steve Burrows takes over the main Recreation Ground from 12noon to 4pm with a Royal-themed Family Fun Day. There will be prizes for the most Royal-looking children (to be judged at 3pm). And Teams of 4 adults can take part in It’s A Knock Out – book your team by Monday 30 May with Steve at sbtrng@hotmail.com Children’s competitions will include Egg & Spoon races, Sack races and 3-Legged races. All children must be accompanied by an adult. And there will be free Face Painting for all.
In the afternoon, the Henstridge Fliers WI are holding a Royal Tea Party in the Hall with delicious cakes, and will be showing the Queen’s 1953 Coronation film. All are welcome.
Sunday 5 June –
A Thanksgiving Service will be held in St Nicholas Church at 10am.
And this is the day when Street Parties are being held across the country. The Council is encouraging villagers to organise local street lunches and tea parties at their own homes, with friends and neighbours. There is much useful advice on organising The Big Lunch at websites such as edenprojectscommunities.com/the-big-jubilee-lunch and on streetparty.org.uk These sites are full of information, free packs and lots of ideas.
Other activities being planned include the pupils at St Nicholas School, and the Big Quiz at “The Bird in Hand”. Keep an eye out for updates to this information on our website and on NextDoor Henstridge. We really hope that as many people as possible in Henstridge will take part in this special weekend.